Book your stay at Casa Parasio Check price and availability for the Casa Parasio Check-in: Check-out: [string_chosen_admin_search_type] Number of accommodation: Guests: Children: Check-in Check-out Number of accommodation Any1 Guests 123456 Children 012345 Searching... ×Accommodation 1Guests123456Children0123456 Enter your detailsFirst name*Last name*E-Mail*Phone / Mobile*Address line 1Address line 2City*Zip code*Country*More about me/us*Please indicate how many children (including age) and how many adults will check-In?*Please indicate if you consider to take your pet with you (dogs up to 7KG are welcome)?Check In Time (please indicate your check-in prefered time)*"Casa Parasio" is very exclusively furnished and therefore we ask you to appreciate this and to take the greatest care of all the facilities.Loading summary... Accept our policies for this reservation I have read and I accept the terms and conditions (Rental Policy | General Terms & Conditions (GTC)) for this booking.PaymentSelect your payment type: Deposit with bank transfer Make a deposit with PayPal nowYou will pay for your stay at a later stage. The total price is You will be charged Click on Book Now to confirm your reservation. You will be redirected to PayPal to complete your payment.Secured payments by You can pay with your credit card Processing...Please double check your reservation details before clicking on "Reservation request!".